Apparently a new version of World of Warcraft is being released tonight, which means I probably won’t see David again until sometime in February.
Last month my dad came over from NZ to stay with us for a week. I had a bit of a troubled relationship with my dad growing up (really just the average teenager pushing boundaries thing) but we get along well together now. It’s scary just how much I’m like him! We’re both extremely stubborn and opinionated – also I inherited his hay fever, thanks for that, dad.
While it was a bit strange having him here (the man watches golf on the telly all. the. time) it was also really great. Because he now has more of a context on my life here he will now ask me more specific questions about events, people and places, so instead of talking about the rugby for 20 minutes (which is also fine with me!) he asks about specific real things. Nice.
While he was here we went on a wine-tasting tour of the Hunter Valley, and this is one of the vineyards:
Seriously, it stopped raining for about 10 minutes the whole day so this is pretty much the only photo I was able to take.