Well, what a dramatical week! All full of friendships rent asunder, homelessness, wrong things said, hesitations, anxieties, unexpected house guests, far too much wine, and on it goes. I hasten to add that although many elements of this drama had nothing to do with me I’m helping others pick up the pieces, and I’m starting to feel a bit frazzled.
Anyway, Norah Heads. I love this sign which implies that it is the tour, rather than the lighthouse, which has raised its safety standards:
And there were spiders – massive spiders suspended from the middle of webs which must have been at least two metres wide:
You can’t really get a sense of scale from this, but the spiders body was about 8cm long. Remember – Things that will Kill You in Australia Volume 19.
As I said last week we had a chance to welcome the newest family member with a naming celebration, and what’s a naming celebration without a blanket?
The wee girl I made it for has the brightest, bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, so the blanket is backed with a bright blue fleece.
I’m actually really proud of this one: I made it under extreme time pressure (and finished it about 24 seconds before we were due out the door), I really like the way it looks and I think/hope that the experience has pushed me into doing more sewing (which would be fantastic!).
I’m finding it really hard to carve out any blogging time right now (because it takes what, ten minutes?) but I really want to talk about Baking Sunday.