We’ve all been there – one day you’re just pottering along, making a lap-blanket here, adjusting the odd website there – when BLAM! you are totally pole-axed by a hideous case of the flu.
For the past fortnight I’ve been been as weak as a kitten, albeit a kitten with some rather alarmingly neon-coloured mucus. I’ve had no energy, no focus, and just walking up the stairs was cause for [muted] celebration.
I’m slowly coming right. I’ve tried to stay on top of the laundry, the dishes and my paid work but everything else has been abandoned. Today I tried to do a shift of charity retail, but couldn’t really concentrate fully (and I didn’t even really care about the money! This is how we know I’m still not well) so came home after a couple of hours.
Lap-blankets probably aren’t the sexiest thing in the world, but they kept me from dying of the cold for the past few weeks (and seriously, anything to keep the power bill down a tad). Here’s a lap-blanket I made a few weeks ago:
and you can see that Mr. Puss loves his lap-blanket and had made it his own. We struggle over it sometimes.
I made some cushions to go with the lap-blanket:
The fabric for the blanket and the cushions is exactly the same but it does look different according to the light and the angles, and I don’t think my photographs are doing either of them any favours.