Yesterday was grey and rainy, the kind of day where getting out of your pyjamas seems unnecessary. The kind of day for reading the paper, and reading the internet, and eating potato chips – hey, all of which I achieved! – but little else.
So after flopping about on the sofa for most of the day I made the mistake of eating a handful of chocolate-covered coffee beans. Big. Mistake. Insomniac + night owl + coffee beans = one tiny little brain-voice shouting oh my god this is so great hey i know lets tidy the bookshelf its only 2am wheeeee so much fun while the rest of my brain watched reruns of The Unit and tried to pretend nothing was happening.
When I finally went to bed the brain-voice still wouldn’t shut up so I lay there thinking omg what is the name of that girls cat is it sapphire no i think its mitzi no wait wait wait its muffin no its sapphire, so obviously that wasn’t such a relaxing thing to do. And then I dreamed that I was at a rally with some buffoonish clown the leader of the opposition, whereas in reality SIGNIFICANT sums of money would have to change hands for that to happen.
Today was a little more productive (although hard not to be, really) and tomorrow hopefully I’ll get some more sewing done. I’ve been sewing quite a bit lately, including this baby blanket:
It’s for a baby girl who is due to appear some time this week, and I hope she likes it.