This year my brother (the chef) decided xmas dinner would be lamb cooked over a spit. So he swapped some whitebait for some fresh Southern lamb from our family farm, and had my BiL build a firepit:
His research showed that bits of lamb generally fall into the fire during the cooking process, and this was not something he was prepared to accept (he is quite exacting). So he came up with the great idea of wrapping the meat in chicken wire before cooking:
which I thought was fairly genius. Then the lamb was slowly rotated over the fire pit for four hours:
(here my dad points sternly and managerially, David labours under the weight and my BiL is bemused).
After 4 hours we took it off the spit, cut off all the wires and carried out a taste test:
As ChefBrother said: "I don't know if it's cooked, or cooked to perfection". Delicious.
In unrelated news I had another tooth removed on Wednesday. While dental extractions pretty much hold all the physical and emotional weight of stubbing my toe, the recovery on this one is a bitch. Chocolate Sustagen FTW!